The most important thing to start doing is reading the Bible and praying.
Prayer is communicating with God. We confess our sins, express our beliefs to Him forthrightly holding nothing back from within the depths of our souls; we worship Him in prayer and come to the place where He is our refuge; where we delight in Him which is expressed as a delight in His Word.
The Lord will speak to your heart and His word to you is confirmed by what He says in the Bible. You must plan to spend plenty of time, at least 30 minutes if not an hour, in prayer daily. You are a new creature and you must begin to act like it which means reading the Bible and praying extensively.
The Bible is the living God’s Word to us; it has life in itself. As you read it your mind will be renewed, your soul fed, and you will ultimately mature as a Christian through extensive knowledge, understanding and application of the Bible.
God gives us His Spirit at our new birth and this Sprit is what teaches us the truth of what the Bible is saying. When you read the Bible ask the Lord to teach you what He wants you to know about Himself as you read. God has taken the responsibility to teach us and our responsibility is to pray and read the Bible. If you do not have a Bible please contact us and we will help you get one.
You will ultimately need to find a place to fellowship which is called a Church. At the Church you will find fellowship and Lord willing Biblical teaching. Find a Bible believing church (click here for help in finding a church) who puts God first. Pray and ask God to show you where to go. Remember God has created us for relationships; at a church is where we find those relationships, we find out how to serve the Lord and His people and help others hear the Gospel too.
A great resource to start reading books, articles, and listening to sermons is They have a great free resource page for Christians new and old that can be found here: Monergism Christian resources.
And remember if we can help you in any way please contact us.
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The most important thing to start doing is reading the
Bible and prayer.
Prayer is communicating
with God.
Here are few guidelines to help you in your search for your local church home!
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