GOD is just, and a just God must punish sin. The great question is, “How can God be just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly?” False religions endeavour to answer this question, but they completely fail. The poor heathen thinks he has found the answer in his own terrible sacrifices. He thinks he may give “his first- born for his transgression, the fruit of his body for the sin of his soul.” The deluded Papist thinks he has found an answer to the question in his daily mass; he says that there is in it “a propitiatory sacrifice for the quick and the dead.” It is not thus that God’s justice is vindicated, neither is it thus that His mercy shines forth in its glory. ...
“Are you ready?” is a question that we often hear. Moreover we ourselves are constantly getting ready, making plans, or making preparations for our future, for our career, for our work, for our family. Often we make preparations referring to ten or twenty years in the future. But, alas! how little we know what the future holds for us! O, if only we knew, with what earnestness we would have made real preparations then! Yet the problem is that not only do we not know what the twenty or ten years ahead hold for us, but what the morrow has in store for us. But in spite of the uncertainty surrounding the future, there is one future event regarding which there is not the slightest uncertainty or doubt, about which, alas, man does not want even to think—and that is our meeting with God!
How terribly have these blessed words of Christ been misunderstood, misappropriated, and misapplied! How many seem to think that on the cross the Lord Jesus accomplished a work which rendered it unnecessary for the beneficiaries of it to live holy lives on earth. So many have been deluded into thinking that, so far as reaching heaven is concerned, it matters not how they walk provided they are “resting on the finished work of Christ.” They may be unfruitful, untruthful, disobedient, yet (though they may possibly miss some millennial crown) so long as they repudiate all righteousness of their own and have faith in Christ, they imagine they are “eternally secure.” All around us are people who are worldly-minded...
My soul, there is sin upon thee. Nay, it is not only upon thee, but in thee and about thee. It is a part of thyself. It does not merely grow upon thee as the moss grows upon the rock, nor rest upon thee as the dust rests upon the summer flower, nor float above thee as smoke floats above yon city. It is in thee. It is in thy inmost part. It fills thee as the water fills yon well. It soaks into thee as the water from the fountain. It has gone through and through thee as the salt pervades the ocean in all its depth, or as the mud and filth of the earth go through and stain yon river, making it, as it rolls along, a mass of discolored deformity. ...
Bruised for Our Iniquities
by Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)
We were one day conversing with an unbeliever who lay on a bed of suffering and was murmuring against the God that made him. He put the question in an angry tone, “Where did this pain come from?” “From sin,” we answered.
“But why should pain follow sin?” “Because God is a righteous God.”
“How does that prove that where there is pain there must have been sin?”
“Because a righteous God must punish what is wrong.” ...
It is with our sins that we go to God, for we have nothing else to go with that we can call our own. This is one of the lessons that we are so slow to learn; yet without learning this we cannot take one right step in that which we call a religious life. To look up some good thing in our past life, or to get some good thing now, if we find that our past does not contain any such thing, is our first thought when we begin to inquire after God, that we may get the great question settled between Him and us, as to the forgiveness of our sins. “In His favor is life”; and to be without this favor is to be unhappy here, and to be shut out from joy hereafter....
In order for you to do anything acceptable to God, you must be born again. If you are not born again, your best works are only good-looking sins. Though the action itself might be commendable, it is very defective in its performance. Without regeneration (new birth) there is no faith, and “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6). Faith is a vital act of the newborn soul. The apostle John showed the different reception the Lord Jesus had from different people: some received Him, some rejected Him. Regenerating grace was the true cause of that difference. Without this no one would have received Him. John tells us that those who “received him,” were those “which were born of God” (Joh 1:11-13)....
When you, who are anxious about your soul, are hearing much prayer offered by Christians for the Holy Spirit, you may conclude that the first thing you also have to do is to pray for the Holy Spirit; but Jesus Himself sets you right in this matter when He says, “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29). If you desire to do this at the throne of grace, by all means repair thither, but do not go to it to do anything else at present. Believers in Jesus pray “in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20) that He may revive the work of God in themselves and in their fellow-believers—lead awakened souls to Jesus—and convince sinners of their wickedness and unbelief;...
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