How Can I Cope?
One of the greatest problems in America today is mental health. Mental health centers are springing up everywhere. Teams of mental health experts are sent to the scenes of disasters to help people cope. Yet with all of this emphasis upon mental health, people are not learning to cope with the demands of life. The second greatest cause of death among teens remains suicide. What is the problem? Why is there such a wide spread lack of ability among us to adequately cope with the demands of life? Those who attempt to face the tough situations of life in a Stoic fashion, with their own strength, soon find that strength failing.
There is an answer. He is the living God. Listen to what the Bible says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). What the Bible talks about here is not positive thinking. The Bible is talking about inner strength. It is talking about emotional stability. Some people find it difficult to cope because they see no value in their own lives. They feel useless. The answer is not bolstering pride. Far from it. Pride involves self-sufficiency. The source of real value is God. If we are at all useful in this world, God is the source of our usefulness. HE gives us our marching orders. HE gives us the inner strength and power to carry out those orders. So we could translate our text, “I can always cope by the One empowering me.”
Is this how it is with you? Or are you having a hard time coping with the things that come your way? You need to turn to God through Jesus Christ. You need to turn away from self-sufficiency and cast yourself on the mercy of God. You need to look to Him as your source of inner strength.
To help you understand this better, click here and listen to an answer to the question, “How Can I Cope?”