"Noah Found Grace"
Most people consider themselves to be fairly good, and when you mention sin, there is an uproar. After all, we shouldn’t be so negative. But what about being realistic? A doctor who refuses to tell his patient the truth, although it may be unpleasant, is not worth his salt. Similarly, some statements in the Bible are negative. But they are also realistic. For example, the Bible tells us about the people of old, saying, “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).
Now, here is a negative statement, but it is also realistic. The thought life of these people was all fouled up. And the same is true today. There has been more than one case where an individual has taken a semi-automatic or automatic rifle into a school and shot and killed students and teachers. Why do people do such things? Why do they even think about doing such things? There may be some family problems. There may even be some problems in the individual’s background or education. But these things are not the root cause of rash acts of murder. The root problem is sin, and the effects of sin are pervasive. When we look at such a person, the diagnosis can be made that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Is this harsh? Yes. Is it too harsh? No. This is the diagnosis of the Great Physician, God himself. And the cure is God’s grace in forgiveness and cleansing. Remember all the people of old who lived in sin and perished in the flood? Only Noah and his family were spared. This is because Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8). Grace is the only cure for the problem of sin. But you must recognize the problem first.
To help you, please click here and listen to “Grace: God’s Remedy to Evil.”
The most important thing to start doing is reading the
Bible and prayer.
Prayer is communicating
with God.
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