Can you imagine Christmas from creation’s point of view?
In this holy season of Advent as Christmas approaches, our hearts, minds, ears, and eyes are drawn to the main characters of the Christmas story: Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary, the angel Gabriel and the angel hosts; the shepherds and the magi. And this is good. For each of these people, in their own way, point us to the holy child, Jesus, born for us.
But what of the rest of creation? After all, St. Paul reminds us in Romans 8 that all creation groans in eager expectation of Christ’s second advent, even as we celebrate his first advent.
Can you imagine Christmas from creation’s point of view?
The famous Christmas hymn Joy to the World declares that “heav’n and nature sing” with joy at Jesus’ birth. What would that sound like? Can you imagine Christmas from creation’s point of view? If heaven and nature sing, what is their song at Advent and Christmas? If Christmas trees could talk or sing like Ents in The Lord of the Ringswhat would they have to say?
Turns out, that God’s word gives us a few sample tracks on creation’s Christmas playlist. Psalm 98 invites the rivers to clap their hands and the seas to roar with joy before the Lord. Likewise, the prophet Isaiah (55) announces that the mountains and hills break forth in song while trees and fields clap their hands before the Holy One of Israel. And what better way to say all of this, than in a hymn of praise to the Creator who became a creature to save us and all creation.
In the spirit of the psalms and the prophets, I wrote this Christmas hymn with creation and Christ’s incarnation in mind. As we lament what sin has wrought in this creation, we rejoice that in Bethlehem, in the manger, in Jesus’ birth, the new creation has come.
If you would like to sing it by yourself or with your congregations or gatherings, the words are set to the tune known as FOREST GREEN, an alternate tune for O Little Town of Bethlehem, and another Christmas hymn in Lutheran Service Book, O Sing of Christ (hymn 362). In addition to the Scripture passages mentioned above, consider reading and meditating on the following passages: Genesis 3; Psalm 42; Psalm 98:4, 7-9; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 55:12-13; Isaiah 60:1; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2; John 1; Romans 8:22
O Heav’n and Earth Unite in Song
O heav’n and earth unite in song, To hail our Savior’s birth.
Let all creation join the throng Of endless joy and mirth.
For Christ the Lord of earth and heav’n Was born to set us free;
And unto us God’s Son is giv’n To end our misery.
Creation groans under the weight Of sin, and death, and hell.
Yet to His world consumed with hate God sent Emmanuel.
As creature our Creator goes through pains of childbirth,
True God of God, yet flesh He chose To save His fallen earth.
O heav’nly stars with glory bright Behold, your Light is here.
On those who dwelt in deepest night The glorious Son appears.
Begotten of the Father’s love Robed in humanity.
While sun and moon and stars above Gaze at the mystery.
The waters of the deep abyss That raged are now restored
All rivers clap their hands in bliss To greet the incarnate Lord
The seas He gathered into place Splash with exultant joy
Before the Lord, our King of grace This holy infant boy
The ground was cursed, and unto death, from dust to dust we go,
Until Christ gave his dying breath To crush our ancient foe.
Upon the mount of Calvary, God’s saving work is found.
The mountains echo joyfully with holy praise resound.
All creatures of the earth and skies Behold, the Lord of lords,
Their Master in a manger lies By heav’n and earth adored.
The Lamb of God in human frame Is born of Virgin mild.
The Lion of Judah none can tame Becomes a little child.
Upon a tree came Adam’s fall And Paradise was lost
Yet on a greater tree, for all, Christ Jesus paid the cost.
Today the forests and the field, Rejoicing, clap their palms;
And we with fruitful voices yield Our joyous Christmas psalms.
Lord, we with all creation yearn To see You face to face;
As deer for living water burn, So we long for Your grace.
Lord Jesus, quickly come, we pray, To rescue us who roam
As pilgrims waiting endless day In our eternal home.
With heav’n and earth today we sing Of gladsome tidings true
In Bethlehem a newborn King Is given unto you.
Praise to the Father, Spirit, Son, O blessed Trinity,
Your new creation now begun In Christ’s nativity.
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